Experience the Tantric Touch
Certified Rebalancer - deep tissue & rocking
Reiki I & II
UK Certified Cranial Sacral Therapist
California Massage Therapist--Swedish/Esalen Style
Certified Ayurvedic Yoga Massage
Certified in Somatic Sexological Bodywork
Certified Tantric Instructor from Maryse Cote
Advanced Tantric Training w/Baba Dez & Betty Martin
Enlightenment Hacking with Lawrence Lanoff
Andrew Barnes, Tantric Energy Intensive
Greetings! My name is Cat Satie. I am a warm hearted, mature woman who is experienced and young at heart. I love to laugh, connect, and be close.
I have a BA in Liberal Arts, extensive training in the performing arts, and I have travelled and done a lot of spiritual, personal and creative exploration. I love intelligent, playful conversation as well as the power of silence.
Clients frequently compliment me on the softness of my tanned skin, the ease with one can relax with me, and the sensuousness of my touch.
I practiced strictly therapeutic massage for ten years: deep tissue, Swedish, Ayurvedic Yoga Massage, cranial sacral and Reiki. Then, I started combining these techniques with a body to body, feather touch sensual massage to create a wonderful FBSM (Full Body Sensual Massage) experience done on a massage table. I must say that the transition to FBSM has been profound, and I, along with my clients have been transformed.
My interest in massage began in high school where I was blessed with a very open-minded group of friends who liked to massage each other. I was fascinated by what moves felt good on me and enjoyed experimenting on my friends. When I received my first acupressure massage from my brother, I saw colours and went out walking in the night feeling totally magical. This experience began a life-long journey of exploring various forms of meditation and healing modalities that led me to experience very pleasant, enlightened states of consciousness.
I began my formal massage training with the Kootenay School of Rebalancing in Nelson, B.C., now in Costa Rica where I was trained in deep tissue massage, joint release, and meditation. We did Osho meditations and a tantra workshop which made me feel incredibly alive. "Where can I learn more of this tantra stuff?" I asked, and they told me to go to the Osho Commune in Poona, India. That winter I went. I stayed in Poona for 6 months, doing group after group in primal deconditioning, sexual deconditioning, relating, tantra and meditation. I danced a lot, played a lot and rode the wave of agony to ecstasy that everyone there seemed to be on. It was definitely the most powerful experience I'd had up to that time.
I did 48 days of British Osteopathic cranial sacral training with Paul Vick over a period of two years. That training taught me a depth of presence and how to sense into the subtle body. Occasionally, I end sessions with a still point which is a deeply relaxing space where your nervous system regenerates itself.
I was still practicing primarily deep tissue massage until one day I received a very sensual massage from a man. I realized that with all my deep working of muscles I had been depriving my clients of pleasurable, nurturing touch. I immediately began introducing long yummy strokes into my massages and went on to study Swedish/Esalen massage at Harbin Hotsprings in California. I returned to India again in 2000 and studied Ayurvedic Yoga massage with a tiny, fierce, 60 year old Indian woman. She showed us how to walk on the back and do assisted yoga stretches.
In 2003, I began practicing tantric massage at a tantric massage temple. There was a staff of "goddesses" who glided around in white flowing clothes, radiating light and beauty. I myself was healed by their presence---their ease with themselves and others and their ability to love unconditionally. Having met numerous dakinis (hands on sexual healers), and having become one myself, I can say that this is what happens when you work regularly with sexuality in a sacred way: you find yourself able to look your fellow human being in the eye without shyness. You work with the language of intimacy and it becomes an integral part of who you are. Your very presence becomes a welcoming into that space. Tantra, after all, is a path to Oneness.
I received my Tantric Instructor's Certification from Maryse Cote. In 2006, I completed the Sexological Bodywork Certification which included lingam and prostate massage, gspot massage and a methodology for working through clients' sexual issues.
In London, England, I had the honour of apprenticing with tantric master, Jahnet De Light. Jahnet and I worked together on clients. She showed me how to guide my clients into the "orgasmic." This is the sweet spot before one reaches "the point of no return."
I have introduced a few women to the world of tantric massage, sharing my knowledge and helping them to develop their practice. One such woman I have introduced to my work was an dancer named, Shakti Bliss, who, in return influenced me with her contact dance bodywork style. As a result, my work has become more dance-like, with lots of gliding and sliding acrobatic moves across the body.
Perhaps the most profound personal learning for my own sexuality has been from my time spent at One Taste Urban Retreat Center in San Francisco. At One Taste, they practice something called "Orgasmic Meditation" or "The OM". The meditation involves stimulating the woman's clitoris as a meditation. The man learns to tune into the woman's "ride". The woman drops deeper and deeper into her experience and maximizes her orgasmic potential.
In May of 2008, I completed the Advanced Tantric Training with Baba Dez and Betty Martin at the ISTA School of Temple Arts. At this very special place, I met with 200 tantric practitioners from around the world. I was inspired by the radiant presence I saw in many of the tantric practitioners I met there, people who before had been just images on the internet. Through my training there, I came to understand that this radiant presence was the result of a profound level of acceptance for self and this work. In my training there, I attained a new level of acceptance for myself and others. I experience this as a heart felt presence that is healing just by being with it. From this perspective, I have become acutely aware of how the lack of self-love has become epidemic in our society and I am excited to provide a way out of that limited way of being. As promised in their training, I believe I truly learned to embody the "serene, authentic, caring guide who holds space for pivotal shifts in other's lives."
Last but certainly not least, I would like to thank all of the clients who have opened their hearts and bodies to me. It is an honour to touch you, to share a moment with you, to learn from you.